2012 Challenge Gift Initiative


You may already be well-acquainted with Bethlehem College & Seminary (BCS), or you may not. Who are we?

We are a new institution committed to:

  • The inerrancy of the Bible
  • The supremacy of God
  • The excellency of Jesus Christ
  • Deep, rigorous thinking
  • Study of the Bible in the original languages
  • Spiritual growth and maturity through one-on-one discipleship
  • Connecting theological study with practical application for the church
  • Being under the authority of the church
  • Keeping our tuition affordable so as to enable our students to graduate free from crippling debt
  • Operating lean and simply with our focus on learning and growing

We are different. We are forging a new model of theological higher education which we believe will result in producing graduates who love the Lord with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strength, who love, know, and believe the Word of God, and who have a passion for the lost, and for the church worldwide.

We aim to do this faithfully, passionately, joyfully, economically, and effectively by attracting students, faculty, and staff who share our passion for the Lord, our theology, and our desire to serve the church with everything we have and are. No game playing here. This is serious business and we take providing a God-honoring, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated, Christian Hedonistic education as a high privilege and responsibility.

Developing something new and bold like BCS takes vision, a desperate need, committed, qualified faculty and staff, bold, world-spurning students, and a joyful faith in the sovereignty of God to accomplish His purposes for His glory and for the sake of His Name. We firmly believe that’s what the Lord is doing in and through BCS. Something special and remarkable is happening here. Would you join us?

If you feel the Lord leading you to join with us, here’s how you can help. First, we covet your prayer support. There is no way we can do this without the prayers of those who believe BCS is a strategic investment in the future of the church.


Second, we need our friends to partner with us financially. No matter what you are able to give, it will help us tremendously and be a great encouragement.

Because of their belief in the vision and mission of BCS, a core group of people has banded together to give a “challenge gift” of $200,000 to BCS. Their desire is that this gift be a challenge to other potential supporters like you to raise an additional $200,000. These gifts will help us as we continue to become established and as we launch into the crucial process of seeking accreditation.


May the Lord bless you as your consider becoming a prayer and/or financial partner for the raising up of the next generation of leaders for the bride of Christ—the church.

Watch our Chancellor John Piper explain how he is dedicated to BCS for the future of his ministry.