Burtrum, MN United States
Description: Staff is needed to counsel campers, ranging in age from 5-18. All camps are coed camps with up to 220 campers each week. Responsibilities include supervision of the cabin group, individual spiritual counseling, participating in games and activities, leading Bible studies, leading a seminar/clinic, participating with his/her cabin in evening chapels, and working with a Junior Counselor. Primary task is to invest equally in every camper under your care.
Reports to: Lead Counselors
Dates: May 29-August 15- Staff Training and Summer Camp
Compensation: $250/week
• Maintain a daily time with God
• Clearly present the Gospel in age-appropriate ways
• We are here to serve and love the campers. Learn to live and model that phrase
• Be the spiritual leader for your cabin; show campers what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus
• Provide care, love, and encouragement for every camper in your cabin
• Love your campers, hoping and praying for a new and deepening relationship with Jesus
• Attend all counselor meetings
• Meet one on one with each camper assigned to your cabin throughout the week
• Write a postcard (provided by Camp) to each camper every week, before leaving that week
• Fill out Decisions slips, when necessary, on the day that the decision takes place
• Meet individually with the with Lead Counselor weekly
• Junior and Senior High: Lead 1 seminar/clinic per day
• Participate wholeheartedly in all program events; no matter how messy or repetitive they may be (example: Capture the Flag every week – play with energy and joy!)
CONTACT Izzy Thostenson (Youth Ministries Director)
[email protected]