It is commonly quipped that “Seminary is best pronounced ‘Cemetery.’” We disagree, but do believe that seminary can be a difficult time for students if they do not intentionally prepare for it. Recently our affiliate ministry Desiring God published a series of blog posts and videos on a subject incredibly central to Bethlehem College & Seminary’s mission: “How to Stay Christian in Seminary.”
These posts are even more meaningful for BCS because they are written by one current and one former BCS seminary students: Jonathan Parnell (current) and David Mathis (alumnus), who is an elder at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Twin Cities, and works as executive pastoral assistant to John Piper.
- Introduction: Seminary: Life or Death?
- #1: Know Your Value of Values
- #2: Be Fascinated with Grace
- #3: Love That Jesus Calls the Weak
- #4: Study the Word for More Than Words
- #5: Pray with Your Books Closed
- #6: Be a Real Husband and Dad
- #7: Keep Both Eyes Peeled for Jesus
Additionally, BCS Chancellor John Piper has responded in a video entry, as have Don Carson, Doug Wilson, and Darrin Patrick. Desiring God also asked some friends from the wider American church and academic world to weigh in on the topic. These other videos and linked articles can be seen via the main DG post.