Bethlehem College & Seminary
720 13th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1793
(primary address)
Twitter: @BCS_MN
Facebook: @BCSMN
Instagram: @BCSMN
Phone: 612-455-3420
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No, Bethlehem College and Seminary does not offer any online courses. We believe that education is discipleship, and there are some things you can only learn face to face, life on life. Students become like their teachers, and people are shaped by the company they keep. Here you’ll learn from faithful professors in small classes with like-minded students, so that you can be shaped and molded into the person God wants you to be.
No, Bethlehem College and Seminary does not offer financial aid. At present, we do not participate in any state or federal student loan or educational grant programs. We do, however, offer one of the lowest tuition rates in America, Christian higher education’ about $8,000 per year as the student-paid portion. All seminary, undergraduate, and traditional master’s students receive annually a $10,000 Serious Joy Scholarship funded by generous givers.
Yes. Bethlehem College and Seminary is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to Sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.
Bethlehem College and Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education 5850 TG Lee Blvd. Suite 130, Orlando, Florida 32822, Ph. (407) 207-0808,
Bethlehem College and Seminary is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. This authorization must be renewed each year and is based on an evaluation of minimum standards concerning the quality of education, ethical business practices, and fiscal responsibility.
Bethlehem College and Seminary is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.