Dear Friends of Bethlehem,
It is hard to overemphasize the crucial role my college choice made in my life’s direction.
I was a brand new Christian when I made the choice to attend a college where I met a faculty member that God used to impact my entire life. During my sophomore year, I took my first course from John Piper and my life has never been the same. To be sure “Dr. Piper’s” role was simply a means to the end of encountering the Word of God and a Christ-centered view of all of life.
Please pray for the parents who are walking with their son or daughter in choosing a college. Pray for the young men and women themselves, some from families where their parents are walking with them in their journey toward college and some who are quite alone. If you know young men or women who are pondering college or seminary encourage them to take a careful and prayerful look at the undergraduate, graduate and degree completion programs of Bethlehem College & Seminary. There are many ways to do that, but a wonderful way is just around the corner.
Bethlehem’s Preview Day is part of an extraordinary weekend planned for September 17-19. We’re calling it Experience Bethlehem 2015. The actual Preview Day is Friday where potential students will be introduced to our academic programs, attend classes, hear Dr. Andy Naselli preach in chapel and meet other young men and women who are earnestly pondering the next step in their education.
As part of Experience Bethlehem, Bethlehem College & Seminary is also hosting aThursday evening concert with The Gray Havens and a Friday evening and Saturday morning Look at the Book Seminar with John Piper. Tickets for both events are complimentary to our Preview Day prospective students and their parents.
If you are curious to experience firsthand this very unique institution of higher learning growing in the soil of a vibrant, gospel-centered church in the heart of the city of Minneapolis, we would love you to join us for any of these events—including a class room visit. We regard you who are praying for us as very strategic partners in our effort to make Bethlehem College and Seminary to be as God-honoring and fruit-bearing for the Kingdom as it can be in total reliance on the Holy Spirit.
At Experience Bethlehem 2015 these potential students (or you!) can taste the teaching that changed my life in my college years and has deeply touched the lives of so many Bethlehem folks and people around the world for over three decades. It will be a joy to have Pastor John circling and underlining and “exclamation pointing” live in Bethlehem’s sanctuary once again.
Deeply grateful for your partnership,
Tom Steller
Pastor for Leadership Development
Dean of Bethlehem College & Seminary
Chancellor John Piper’s Message at New Student Orientation,
August 21, 2015: “Don’t Be a Sucker!”
Join us for our weekly Chapel Service on Thursday, September 3, 12:45-1:45pm, featuring a faculty panel including Jason DeRouchie, Andy Naselli, and Joe Rigney.