Skinner Profile

“Our Godward gratitude overflows to his glory and the joy of this year’s students.”

David Skinner, B.A. ’14
Alumni Advocate for
The Serious Joy Scholarship



Number of scholarships fully funded
by Alumni since 2009

Last updated April 2, 2024

Let’s move “the number” further in 2024!

The financial gift we received when we were students of Bethlehem College and Seminary–The Serious Joy Scholarship—enabled us to receive a bible-saturated, academically rigorous education at unusually low tuition without a burden of federal student loan debt. We were able to launch into life, ministry, and vocation immediately on graduation. To God be the glory!

Would you believe that, already, as an alumni group we have funded annual scholarships for 40 students? Oh, the big schools would scoff at this number as small, but we know that for our always intentionally tiny alma mater it’s huge; a testament to both our Godward gratitude and our confidence in the mission of Bethlehem College and Seminary—to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.

Would you join me and other alums in making a gift to The Serious Joy Scholarship, to glorify God, serve the current students, and move as an alumni “group of one” to express both our thanksgiving and hope for our school’s continued fruitfulness?

David Skinner, B.A. ’14

Contribute to the Serious Joy Scholarship