Blog Archives

The Blessed Hope: The Return of Christ

Hope in Community

The Greatest of These Is Love

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” That is how Paul concludes 1 Corinthians 13. What does he mean by saying that love is greater than faith and hope? Why does he argue that in the context of his letter to the Corinthians? How should we […]

Jesus, Hope of the Nations

Waiting in Hope

We must patiently wait with hope and eager expectation that God will keep all His promises, even those promises that are not yet fully realized. Because God has promised that one day our salvation will be fully accomplished, we can live our lives with joy and hope that God will fulfill every word of what He […]

Hope and the Resurrection

Hope for the Downcast

Though He Slay Me, I Will Hope in Him

Rejoicing in Hope

Hope and the Word of God