Bethlehem College & Seminary is thrilled to announce our partnership with The Worship Initiative, a new online resource from Shane & Shane designed to empower and train musicians, songwriters, and worship leaders.
The Worship Initiative website contains hundreds of videos and tutorials to equip Christian musicians so that they mature from being mere musicians to lead worshippers. They aim to help men and women as they consider their calling as worship leaders, hone their craft as musicians, and cultivate their gift as songwriters.
They have taken 100 of the most popular worship songs and broken them down by instrument so that worship leaders can help their worship teams lead congregations into the presence of the living God. For each of these songs, the Desiring God Content Team (David Mathis, Jonathan Parnell, and Marshall Segal) has written a brief biblical devotional that shows the biblical roots of each song.
Bethlehem College & Seminary has partnered with The Worship Initiative by commissioning members of our faculty to teach Worship Initiative University courses that are available for those who desire in-depth biblical training that enlightens the mind and enlarges the heart to receive more of God. These courses were filmed at The Worship Initiative studio in Cedar Hill, Texas, and are made available to all subscribers at no additional charge.
The first course offered through Worship Initiative University is entitled The Things of Earth: Treasuring God by Enjoying His Gifts. This course is taught by Professor Joe Rigney and covers the material in his forthcoming book of the same name (available for pre-order from Crossway).
Planned future courses include Mining God’s Word: Introduction to Inductive Bible Study (taught by Dr. Brian Tabb), and God’s Passion for His Glory: Jonathan Edwards on God’s Goal in Creation (taught by Joe Rigney).
This new partnership is one more way that we hope to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.