Justin Taylor Appointed to BCS Board


Bethlehem College & Seminary are proud to announce that the elders of Bethlehem Baptist Church have appointed a new member to our board: Justin Taylor.

This is an especially meaningful appointment for BCS because Justin Taylor was a Bethlehem student in the first full class of The Bethlehem Institute’s Track 2 Vocational Eldership Program from 1998–2000 (to whom John Piper dedicated his book Counted Righteous In Christ).

After finishing the TBI Track 2 program (which has since become Bethlehem Seminary), Taylor has served as Director of Theological and Educational Development at Desiring God for five years, he currently serves as Vice President of Book Publishing at Crossway. He has co-authored or co-edited more than a dozen books, and is perhaps most widely known for his blog Between Two Worlds. Finally, he has been an elder at New Covenant Bible Church in St Charles, IL, since 2010.