Labor Clearly in the Name of Jesus


There is something about the mid-winter chills here in Minnesota that seems fitting as we engage, this week especially, with two of the most challenging issues of our day—ethnic harmony and the sanctity of life. These issues are hard, entrenched, bitterly fought and discussed, and still not resolved. And, they are not unrelated. The mindset that thinks of other races as inferior to one’s own is nearly identical to the mindset that thinks of unborn children as something one can dispose of if they aren’t wanted.

Many thoughtful Christians have worked long and hard to address these issues over the years, but they are still unresolved. Certainly strides have been made in the realm of racial reconciliation and ethnic harmony—but not to the degree that racial discrimination has been eliminated. There have been some gains also in the fight against abortion, but the number of babies killed each year in the U.S. (and around the world) is still mind-numbing.

The temptation in looking at these issues might be to become discouraged because they have not yet been resolved. However, we cannot allow ourselves to become discouraged, as the task of a Christian is to work diligently in whatever ways the Lord calls us to individually, so as to keep the light of Jesus shining brightly in the midst of a dark and sinful culture. Laboring clearly in the name of Jesus will yield a positive return in eternity even if we see little return here on earth.

For the last two years I have participated in the March for Life at the Minnesota State Capital. I can’t point to one thing that would make me think my presence there has made a bit of difference in advancing the cause of the unborn. However, I also can’t see clearly enough to know what the Lord might be doing on a far greater scale to make abortion unthinkable in our society, and so I participate in the March for Life in faith that it will make a difference somehow. That’s all any of us can do. Take actions in whatever ways the Lord calls you to and trust Him that it will make a difference in the long run.

In the meantime, all of us can pray for the Lord to bring an end to racial discrimination and abortion. It will take a miracle, but He is able!

Tim Tomlinson
Bethlehem College & Seminary

Tom Steller’s Message at Chapel,
January 14, 2016: “Alive in the City, A Love For the World”

 Join us for our weekly Chapel Service on Thursday, February 4th, 12:45-1:45pm, featuring Mike Tong speaking on our neighbors.

Prayer Requests:

1. Please pray for our students and faculty and staff as we participate in the March for Life this Friday. Pray that it would, indeed, make a difference!

2. Please keep praying for the upcoming Bethlehem Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders next week. Pray that all the planning would work out and that it would be very well attended. We are encouraged!

3. Please pray for a positive answer from the Department of Homeland Security regarding our application to be able to accept international students into our degree programs. We were expecting an answer by October!

4. Please give thanks and praise to the Lord for blessing our Serious Joy Scholarship campaign. He met our needs here at the end of December in a significant and remarkable way and we rejoice in His amazing provision. Now we are praying for the Lord to fill out the remaining scholarship needs for the rest of this year and for the start of the coming year.

New for the New Year! Our online contributors’ site allows you to program a recurring weekly or monthly gift. Please pray whether you are called to make us a part of your on-going ministry in 2016.
