Blog Archives

Cultural Disintegration and Moral Imagination

Joe Rigney, Assistant Professor of Theology and Christian Worldview, has recently published an article at Canon and Culture entitled “Cultural Disintegration and the Revival of a Moral Imagination.”

“Something historic happened…”

Those were among the first words that Rick Segal shared with me yesterday when his plane landed in Washington, D.C. on his way home from Cameroon, West Africa. Rick and Adrien Segal accompanied their “adopted” son, Dieudonne Tamfu, another Bethlehem couple, and Brett Toney (class of 2012) on a ministry trip to Dieudonne’s homeland. Continue to read

Heed Woman Wisdom

Over the years, I have found that when I systematically read through the Bible, God will suddenly cause a passage to standout in such a way that my mind will not let go of it for days or weeks. Continue to read …

Two Ways to Reduce Student Loan Debt

ABC News recently reported that several senior U.S. policymakers addressing the 1,000-attendee “Make Progress” National Summit in Washington, D.C., identified “reducing student loan debt” as first among five top national goals to be achieved before January 2017. Continue to read …

Great Faithfulness

One of my all-time favorite hymns is “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” Published over 90 years ago by Thomas Chisholm and William Runyon, it has become a moving and powerful means of worship for many Christians. Continue to read …

OCD and the Death of the Christian

Johnathon Bowers, Instructor of Theology and Christian Worldview delivered this sermon entitled “OCD and the Death of the Christian,” from the pulpit of Bethlehem Baptist Church, July 5, 2014.

Calibrating Your Conscience

Professor Andy Naselli delivered this sermon entitled “Calibrating Your Conscience,”
from the pulpit of Bethlehem Baptist Church, June 29, 2014.

In Praise of Written Things and Writing Things

I am not a theologian. I have never upgraded Accordance software to a newer version with fancier tools because I have never owned any such software. Continue to read …

The Poetry of Grief

On June 29, 2014, Professor Joe Rigney preached at Christ Community Church-Houston on Lamentations and the Poetry of Grief.

Commencement Address to the Class of 2014

John Piper recently explained four characteristics of helpful speaking and writing to new graduates of Bethlehem College & Seminary.