Saying Goodbye to Bethlehem College & Seminary


In August 2010, my wife and I moved directly from teaching English in South Korea to Minneapolis to attend the newly-formed Bethlehem College & Seminary. I felt the call to pursue seminary training ever since I graduated in 2006 from Whitworth University. Although I earned my BA in Theology from Whitworth, it was through John Piper’s preaching that my love grew for the glory of God, and his supremacy in all things. I still remember hearing his message “Doing Missions When Dying is Gain”for the first time, and how much it rocked me. I knew then that no matter where I attended seminary, I would seek to give glory to God by being satisfied in him most.

Thankfully, God made a way for me to go to Bethlehem College & Seminary.

I remember being the nervous applicant, waiting for a response that would change my life. I survived the “syllabus shock”that comes when re-entering rigorous academics. I went through the highs of being enlightened to the beauty of Christ and his word; I tasted the bitter-sweet rod of discipline through his word applied. I came to seminary because I wanted to know more than I did about Jesus, but I feel I have only begun to see how deep the well of his love is, and how tepidly I drink.

I have seen these things not primarily because I had the right books, or because I labored longer in the classroom than others (long though we did!). Instead, I saw worship inJason DeRouchie’s passionate, faithful exposition of Deuteronomy, and Andy Naselli’s methodical instruction on reading theology. I beheld the triune God with the help of Joe Rigney’s Jonathan Edwards class, and wrestled with summarizing the scope of New Testament books for Jason Meyer. I marveled at the practical, biblical wisdom John Piper had for us in our preaching class. Yes, Romans 8 is perhaps the greatest chapter in the Bible, and I am thankful he made us memorize (and recite) it.

I graduated from the seminary in 2014, and I have spent the last 2 years of my time at Bethlehem College & Seminary serving as the Director of Admissions. I saw the iron-clad resolve in our president, theadministration, and board to keep Bethlehem College & Seminary affordable, under the authority of Bethlehem Baptist Church, and ever prayerful for the Lord’s blessing in training up the next generation. I am so thankful that our institution is guided by such prayer warriors.

My family and I have answered the call to serve the church in Indonesia. It is exciting to think of the Kingdom of God advancing in the largest Muslim country in the world. I know the training  we have received while at Bethlehem will serve us well as we seek to build healthy churches on the island of Batam, and I pray that this church and school will continue to faithfully train and send workers into the harvest.

Will Barkley
Director of Promotions & Admissions 
Bethlehem College & Seminary

Prayer Requests …

  1. Please pray for the Barkleys as they begin raising support to build healthy churches in Indonesia. You can find out more at
  2. Please pray for the Desiring God conference that will be held February 2–4. Pray that the many pastors, elders, worship leaders, and church members would be blessed by ministry of the word and fellowship.
  3. Pray for Bethlehem College & Seminary as there are many new staffing changes that have happened recently or will take place in the near future.
