“Exposure to Jonathan Edwards has mostly been limited to reading Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, as an early selection in an American literature textbook, such that we might despise the Puritans all the more when we get to The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible.”
It is a familiar snark heard among the young, restless Reformed, one used to discredit the lack of legitimate credit that modern educators assign one of early America’s greatest intellects. I have heard it often. I even have said it often, claiming it as my own experience. Now, I must confess. For me, it is not true.
A so-called “Halftime” job change recently required me to box up hearth and home in Cincinnati and move to Minneapolis to answer a calling to serve Bethlehem College & Seminary. For a pre-Kindle bibliophile like me, this meant boxing and unboxing over a hundred cartons of books. In truth, the task was a joy, an opportunity to reacquaint myself with many old friends who have mentored me on life’s spiritual and intellectual journey.
Read the rest of Rick Segal’s post on Desiring God.