Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Marks of Successful Schooling

At Bethlehem College and Seminary, we make a big deal about joy. We believe deep in our bones that pursuing joy is the highest priority we can have. We were made for it. Because, as we love to repeat, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. Our exuberant happiness […]

God Created Everything

That God created the world implies that he is in control of all of his creation; but, is there anything outside of the Triune God that is not created by the Triune God? No! Everything outside of God comes from God—being created by him. Therefore, whether we are referring to the material things of this […]

City Wonder

Sometimes I wonder– Is there beauty in the city? Slush, muck, trash, filth, Shouts, needles, squished, gray. It doesn’t take a genius to see That the city takes a toll on its People. But sometimes I wonder– About the old pine out front: It bends under snow like a Highway exit, and when I think […]

Seven Reasons I Love Bethlehem College and Seminary

It is an awesome privilege to accept the trustees’ call to serve as the third president of Bethlehem College and Seminary. I am ready and eager to lead us forward with God’s help. Here are seven reasons why I love this school and am incredibly excited about its future.   1. Glorious Mission I never […]

In Good Hands

Brothers and sisters, I have some good news for you. I hope it sets your heart ablaze and that, when you gather with Jesus’ people this Sunday, you pause for a moment and feel greatly encouraged at what you are beholding. We are a little less than a month from Bethlehem’s Conference for Pastors, and […]

Dr. Brian J. Tabb Named President

  Dr. Brian J. Tabb has accepted a call from the Board of Trustees of Bethlehem College and Seminary to become the school’s third president. “During our search, our constituents in every sphere emphasized how mission-critical it was, and is, that our new president ‘bleed Bible’ and embody all that it means to be a […]

Tell-Tale Tales: Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Hearts on Display

Chaucer’s title, The Canterbury Tales, is a bit of misnomer, as the college sophomores have been discovering this week. For all of the characters’ good intentions in pilgrimaging to St. Thomas A Beckett’s shrine to express their gratitude for surviving the plague, Chaucer’s plot gives almost no attention to Canterbury as a destination nor the […]

True Fellowship

The biblical term “fellowship” is very important yet frequently misunderstood. Many church buildings have a “fellowship” hall, and some Bible-loving congregations may even name an adult Sunday school classes koinonia (the Greek word for “fellowship”). If you stay for a cup of coffee and a brief chat with fellow church members after the Sunday morning […]

New Ministry Opportunities

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you! First, I would like to give you a short update of what the Lord has been doing in our lives during this last year. Earlier this May, Bethlehem Baptist Church voted to transition me from a Pastoral Resident position to a full pastoral staff position […]

The Indispensable Wrath of God

“God is a god of love, not of wrath!” — “God’s not mad at you; He’s mad about you!” Perhaps you’ve heard statements similar to these. In our current cultural moment, it’s easy to see why these sentiments are so appealing. Man, in an effort to justify his preferences, lifestyle, or actions, has redefined both […]