We have just concluded another successful Serious Joy: The Bethlehem Conference for Pastors, thanks to the incredible work of our speakers, conference staff, and volunteers. This year’s theme of “I Will Build My Church” was an energizing and promise-fulfilling series of messages for pastors who have faithfully persevered through years of trial, societal stress, and uncertainty. Our many thanks to our conference manager, Bethany Briggs, and her team for this successful event.
I’m writing this prayer letter primarily as an encouragement to pray for and rejoice in the good work that our Lord Jesus has continued to do at Bethlehem College and Seminary through various challenges and changes over the last few years.
In November I joined the Bethlehem College and Seminary staff as Interim Director of Administration, overseeing human resources, operations, and facilities. I am also enrolled as a graduate student in our Master of Arts evening degree program where I have the pleasure of sitting under the teaching of what I consider to be the world’s best theological and exegetical faculty. I am also a House Advisor for one of our undergraduate student houses (Go Edwardians!). My wife and I have embraced the school’s mission over these past years and seven years ago relocated to Minneapolis where we deeply rooted ourselves in the Bethlehem community of faith. May God receive the glory and praise for all that he is doing through the ministry of Bethlehem College and Seminary!
This fall the Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) once again certified Bethlehem College and Seminary as a Best Christian Workplace. Our consultant said that our results are “very healthy” and “on the edge of flourishing,” highlighting the school’s strong missional alignment, Christ-centered focus, commitment to excellence, and opportunities for staff and faculty to use their gifts and skills. We are one of only 262 faith-based organizations across the US to receive this recognition from BCWI. Since 2015, our institution has worked regularly with the BCWI to survey our employee engagement, and these results have provided key insights into the flourishing of our employees and potential areas for growth.
Our faculty and staff are joyful and resilient, and we are blessed to work with each other each day as we seek to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. As our former Vice President Jason Abell wrote several years ago, I am also “humbled, thankful, and worshipful” to God who has “fashioned an amazing group of staff and faculty who want to be here, who want to equip men and women to treasure Christ above all things, to grow in wisdom and knowledge over a lifetime, and to glorify God in every sphere of life.” True and enduring words!
Please rejoice with me. And please, continue to pray for Bethlehem College and Seminary.
Hudson Peters
Interim Director of Administration
Prayer Requests:
- Praise the Lord with us for his faithfulness to our staff and faculty.
- Praise the Lord for all he did at Serious Joy: The Bethlehem Conference for Pastors.
- Pray for our students as they work towards midterms and spring break.
- Pray for the prospective students and families attending our Winter Preview Day, that God would guide their steps.
- Pray for the full funding of The Serious Joy Scholarships needed for this academic year.