God is at work in India. People in India are getting saved, discipled, trained, and commissioned to serve, even as you read this. Godly men pour themselves into the lives of aspiring men producing future pastors. With limited training and resources available to the church, our unlimited God is at work.
We ourselves are part of that story. Having served in India with the “rough and ready” training we had, God interrupted our ministering and brought us to Bethlehem College and Seminary, where the training we receive is biblical, rigorous, and well-rounded, to be trained and redeployed for his service.
We are grateful to God for the generous donors who made it possible for us, who have no means to acquire a robust theological education, to study at Bethlehem. Having come from the most populated country in the world and tasted solid training, our hearts ponder the vast and desperate need in India arising from the theological famine present there. We plead to God on behalf of our nation. How can this effort be multiplied and sustained for the sake of Jesus’ name and the joy of people in India?
Dr. Dieudonné Tamfu has modeled for us a pattern that makes us rejoice. He has demonstrated how God is working in Cameroon through a resolution to return, a decade-long preparation, and a gospel partnership that enabled the multiplication of the efforts at Bethlehem. A few years ago, the firstfruits were seen when students matriculated. A few months ago, to our joy, that group graduated.
To improve theological education in India, training current and future leaders with a passion for significantly impacting the region is necessary. A concerted effort toward developing reformed theological education in India is a dream, which in God’s time, will slowly shape into a vision as it is prayed for and supported. As God moves hearts, the dream that we dreamed of yesterday, and hope to envision in the days to come, will become a reality in a couple of decades, God willing. With faith-filled hearts, we ask God, “Do it again!”