

Bethlehem College

Evening Classes

Grow as a disciple of Christ while studying our Sovereign God and Sacred Book in an in-person degree program that accommodates the demands of work and family.

We desire to graduate students who are rooted in Christ and ready for the world. We believe that education is discipleship, and there are some things that you can only learn face-to-face, life-on-life. Our programs are designed to give students key habits of heart and mind that will serve them in every area of life.

We are excited to offer new class opportunities in our evening programs for members and ministry leaders of local churches. It’s an opportunity to Taste and See what we mean by Education in Serious Joy. Those who take classes work through assigned reading and engage in the regular classroom experience of graduate and undergraduate evening students.

Beginning Greek 1

Introduces the fundamentals of New Testament Greek, with a primary emphasis on basic morphology and general syntactical relationships, reading and translation, and mastery of elementary vocabulary.

August 26–December 16

Mondays from 6-7:30pm

16 Weeks Total

Labor Day week meets Tuesday, September 3; Thanksgiving Week off, November 25.

Intermediate Greek

Continues to focus on achieving proficiency in the fundamentals of Greek grammar and vocabulary, with a growing emphasis on reading the Greek text and studying the arrangement of words in phrases, clauses, and sentences, as well as the rules involved in sentence formation. Students translate and phrase the Greek text, gain exposure inductively to important syntactical categories in Koine Greek, and begin to develop the skill of discourse analysis using selected readings from the Greek New Testament.

Aug 26–Dec 16

Mondays from 6-7:30pm

16 Weeks Total

Labor Day week meets Tuesday, Sept. 3; Thanksgiving week off, Nov. 25.

Biblical Theology 1: Old Testament Law and Former Prophets

Examines the discipline and task of whole-Bible, Christ-centered theology, displayed in creation and redemption, by surveying and tracing the message and major themes with a focus on the Old Testament Law and Former Prophets (Genesis–2 Kings).

Aug 26–Oct 14

Mondays from 7:30-10pm

8 Weeks Total

Labor Day week meets Tuesday, Sept 3.

Biblical Theology 2: Old Testament Latter Prophets and Writings

Examines the discipline and task of whole-Bible, Christ-centered theology, displayed in creation and redemption, by surveying and tracing the message and major themes with a focus on the Latter Prophets and Writings.

Oct 21–Dec 16

Mondays 7:30-10pm

8 Weeks Total

Thanksgiving week off, Nov. 25.

Systematic Theology 1: Theology Proper, Revelation, and Anthropology

Introduces students to the study of systematic theology and focuses on the exegetical basis, historical development, and contemporary relevance of the doctrines of God, revelation, and humanity.

Oct 21–Dec 16

Mondays from 7:30-10pm

8 Weeks Total

Thanksgiving week off, Nov. 25.

Principles of Biblical Interpretation

Introduces a hermeneutical framework and foundational methods and skills for interpreting the Greek New Testament in its historical, literary, and theological context with a focus on discourse analysis.

Aug 26–Oct 14

Mondays 7:30-10pm

8 Weeks Total

Labor Day week meets Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Foundations of Discipleship

Introduces the foundations of discipleship, making disciple-makers as we engage in the great work of evangelizing and teaching all the world with Christ as directed by the Great Commission.

Sept 20–21 and Nov 8–9

Fridays 6-9pm, Saturdays 8am-1pm

Spring 2025 Course Options

Click here to view the course options for Spring 2025.

Need to Know

Important Dates

August 1

Application deadline to take evening courses, if spots are still available.

After August 1

The course syllabus will be available once the student is registered for the course and payment has been submitted. Syllabus will include required books, assignments, reading requirements and due dates.

*Auditors are only required to complete assigned reading.

August 26/October 21

Class start date will depend on if the courses is 16-weeks or 8-weeks. 8-week courses start either Aug 26 or Oct 21. See course options above for specific dates.

Auditing vs. Special Student

What is the difference between auditing vs. becoming a special student?

Individuals who choose to audit classes at Bethlehem are focused on personal enrichment and will not receive college credit.

Individuals who enroll under a special student status can take up to 4 classes for credit at Bethlehem without pursuing a certificate or degree.

Additional Options

Graduate certificate students are fully enrolled in Bethlehem College and take 7 courses total (21 credits) to complete a Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies. Classes are $375 per credit.

What is the cost?

In keeping with our commitment to affordability, we are offering the option to audit for $100 per class or become a special students for $250 per credit (undergraduate) or $380 per credit (graduate).

Is Bethlehem Accredited?

Yes, Bethlehem is accredited by the Association of Biblical Higher Education. Special Students can apply their credits toward a Bethlehem program or transfer their credits to other institutions, if desired.

Is Housing Available?

No, Bethlehem is unable to provide housing.

Registration deadline for auditing and special students is August 1, as space allows.