“True education means thinking by associating across the various disciplines, and not just being highly qualified in one field, as a technician might be.” So said Francis Schaeffer in his landmark book, The God Who Is There.
Schaeffer aligns in this regard with Leonardo Da Vinci, who centuries earlier said, “A rule for developing a good brain is to know how everything connects to everything else.”
And centuries before that, the Holy Spirit breathed through Paul’s pen to point out, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
So I am a long way from being the first one to say “Everything relates to everything.” At Bethlehem College, we study great books in light of the greatest book, because it all relates. The Bible is relevant to all of it.
A year ago, I gave notice to the Board of Trustees that after a dozen or so years of chairing that board, I would remain chairman only one more year, believing that fresh eyes would enable us to take fresh initiatives in fathoming the God-centered connections between all things.
A year has passed, and the board recently met for a regular daylong meeting at which the trustees considered a hefty agenda, including an in-person report from Dieudonné Tamfu regarding the Cameroon extension site, reaffirmation of the tenets of faith of the Association of Biblical Higher Education (by whom we are accredited), doctrinal reaffirmations of the Bethlehem Affirmation of Faith,
Nashville Statement, Manhood and Womanhood Affirmations and Denials, The Beauty of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Bethlehem Sex and Gender Identity Policy, and The Danvers Statement. Trustees also conducted a rigorous interview of a potential new trustee (stay tuned), reviewed a sobering financial report (not dire, but please prayerfully consider giving), considered governance structures, and…elected a new chairman. Everything relates to everything.
I thank God for the privilege of introducing the newly elected chairman of the board, Tom Lutz. I’ve co-labored with him in various ministry contexts for a decade or so (and conducted a wedding for his daughter—which is not a credential for being a board chairman, but it sweetens my pleasure in turning over the gavel to him). I find Tom to be an articulate man of courageous candor and competent powers of observation.
I now hand over the baton of this letter to Tom. Tom, introduce yourself and close out this update.
Sam Crabtree
Former Chairman, Board of Trustees
Sam, thank you for serving Bethlehem College and Seminary as chairman for the last dozen years and thank you for the kind and gracious introduction. Let me briefly introduce myself: I have been an active member of Bethlehem Baptist Church since 1999 and served as chairman of the downtown elder council for a number of years. God has ministered to me greatly since coming to Bethlehem, and my family and I have grown to increasingly love the majesty of God, His sovereignty, and the hope and joy that are ours through Christ.
I care about Bethlehem College and Seminary because I have experienced and seen the impact that the God-saturated students and faculty have had and are having in the name of Christ. It is a blessing to me to be able to serve in leading the board of trustees in this next season. It is my prayer that God would continue to bless the partnership between Bethlehem Baptist Church and Bethlehem College and Seminary and, in this next season, we would find ways to deepen the unity that we have in Christ, and encourage one another to walk in the good works that God has prepared beforehand for us to do.
In Christ,
Tom Lutz
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Prayer Requests:
- Praise the Lord with us for the faithful service of Sam Crabtree as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
- Pray for Tom Lutz as he begins his tenure as Chairman.
- Pray for our students and faculty as they finish midterms.
- Pray for those considering attending Bethlehem that the Lord would guide their steps.
- Pray for the full funding of The Serious Joy Scholarship for this year’s students.