At Bethlehem College & Seminary, we celebrate that we have an all-sovereign, all-satisfying Triune God. In pain or pleasure, he is working out his purposes for his glory and the good of his people. What peace and what hope we have in knowing that the all-powerful, all-good God is for us in Christ, will right all wrongs in due course, and will continue to supply us timely help in our need. Below I offer a prayer of praise to him, and I invite you to celebrate him with me.
Holy Father, you know best,
Sowing rest. Though we are pressed,
You still bless and only test
To make us more true.
You never tire or expire.
Your fire purifies desire.
You require but ever inspire.
We admire our Supplier
Who replaces old with new.Holy Son, all that is created
You predated, dictated, mandated.
Our story you’ve narrated;
You’ve deflated our pride and made us whole.
You indict, smite, and fight the night,
Doing right, setting shadows to flight,
Giving heat and light, might for the fight.
Supplying sight, you’re our delight,
Melting away the coldness of our souls.Holy Spirit, ever present,
In our lament and torment.
The Son’s advent brings your descent
And gives us hope anew.
You’ve decreed that we proceed;
You feed, lead, and know our need.
No misdeed; you don’t mislead.
You intercede; we will succeed.
We cast our cares on you.We praise you Holy Trinity,
Supreme Divinity and for infinity
Fix our gaze, burning away the haze.
With hearts ablaze for endless days,
Let us celebrate your election,
No rejection or objection.
Let us heighten our affection,
Following your direction and
praising your perfection.For the glory of the Father, Son, and Spirit, we pray. Amen.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in the Triune God’s great cause!
Jason S. DeRouchie, PhD
Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology
Prayer Requests
As you move through your week, celebrate our three-in-one Deliverer, and join us in requesting his aid in these ways:
- That he will grant trusting endurance to all students, staff, and faculty as we move into the 2nd half of the fall semester.
- That he will sustain the faith of many in our community who are suffering.
- That he will protect our school from external opposition and internal friction that would seek to defeat, divide, or distract.
- That he will empower professors to be lead worshippers in the classrooms, hallways, and offices.
- That he will help our approximately 350 alumni to hold high the banner of Christ in the market place, in the academy, on the mission field, and in church ministries.