Who embraces all of the following?
- We will uphold and cherish the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.
- We will remain faithful to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
- In all our curricula, at all levels, we desire that the Scriptures not merely be a silent foundation, but a salient and saturating presence, governing our thoughts and affections as we appreciate and critique all claims to truth and beauty.
- We will remain a church-based institution under the authority of the local church.
Answer: the Board of Trustees of Bethlehem College & Seminary. At our six hour board meeting last week, we reviewed and embraced these propositions and ten more like them.
We also received various updates including:
- This Fall marks the start of our 10th year of operation as Bethlehem College & Seminary. Though we don’t aggressively pursue numerical growth as a high priority, it is gratifying to know that student enrollment is at an all time high (222 at the beginning of the fall term).
- The treasurer reports that we are living within our budget (just under $5M), and contribution revenue is growing.
- The board also approved the establishment of an Extension Site of Bethlehem College & Seminary in Cameroon (West Africa) under the leadership of Dr. Dieudonne Tamfu, himself a graduate of Bethlehem College & Seminary and an elder at a Bethlehem church plant.
Praise God for everything he is doing in and through Bethlehem College & Seminary!
Sam Crabtree
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Prayer Requests:
- Ask God to help Lance Kramer facilitate the accreditation renewal process with the Association for Biblical Higher Education.
- Ask God to enable students to not merely encounter information in their studies, but encounter God.
- Thank God for growth in the number of donors.