The Alex Steddom Scholarship makes my vision possible. I deeply thank all the donors for your most generous gifts. Truly, I can’t express enough how thankful I am. In Kachin, I would say Kraw kata kaw nna kabu myiprwi pru let, nachying wa chyeju dum sai. My future ministry will be teaching at the Kachin Seminary in Myanmar since I share an ultimate vision with the Kachin Theological College & Seminary (KTCS): to help Kachin churches reform their current worship practices into biblical worship. Currently, I am doing my further theological education at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
I plan to go back and spread education and theology in Myanmar after graduating. Again, I thank you wholeheartedly for working together for God’s kingdom work. May grace and peace be multiplied to you.
Zau ‘Chying Chying’ Naw, MDiv ’21
Faculty member at Kachin Theological College & Seminary
Worship Pastor at Njang Kawng Baptist Church, Kachin State, Myanmar