We look forward to hosting you for this introduction to life and study at Bethlehem. Your orientation will be held at the downtown campus (main floor) for students entering the Bachelor of Theology and the Master of Arts in Exegesis and Theology programs at the Minneapolis and Rochester sites. Dinner provided, and you are welcome to bring a family member. Childcare will not be provided.
You and your family are also invited to the Welcome Picnic (August 18 at 5pm). Separate RSVP also requested by August 9. RSVP can be found here.
4pm | Rochester Program Overviews (BTh and MAET)
5:30—6:30pm | Business Stations for Minneapolis and Rochester Students
6pm | Dinner
6:30pm | Welcome & Word from President Joe Rigney
6:45—7:45 | Briefings
7:45—9pm | Minneapolis Program Overviews (BTh and MAET)