New Testament Survey: The Apostolic Witness to Jesus Christ is a 12-lesson introduction to the New Testament. This course surveys the message of the New Testament, both at the individual book level and at the canonical level. This course is an attempt to present, book by book, the message of Jesus Christ through his apostles. […]
Work with Your Hands: Serving God in Secular Employment is a six-week course advancing the truth that Christians ought to intentionally and joyfully glorify God in “secular” employment. The course will assert that work is a good gift from God (though impacted by the Fall), and will seek to provide a biblical and theological grounding for […]
The Kingdom of God Is at Hand: Understanding Jesus’ Proclamation is a six-week course advancing the truth that the kingdom of God has been inaugurated by Jesus but not yet consummated. The course will seek to provide an understanding of Jesus’ preaching and teaching ministry especially as it relates to the kingdom of God. Students […]
Tracing God’s Ways is a 12-week course that attempts to provide students with a comprehensive, chronological, and biblical overview of God’s purposes as they are providentially unfolding in redemptive history. The course begins with creation and the garden of Eden and then progresses through biblical history by focusing on the defining events and persons in God’s […]
Shepherds Under God: Elders Who Joyfully Govern God’s Flock is a 12-week course that examines the Bible’s teaching on the presence, responsibilities, qualifications, and importance of elders in the local church. The course is primarily designed for the training of current and prospective elders. It aims to refresh and challenge the student’s vision of godly […]
Biblical Womanhood in a Postmodern Culture: Standing on the Truth in Our Shaky World is an inductive Bible study designed specifically for women. The purpose of this study is to encourage and equip women through the study of the Bible to embrace the truth about biblical womanhood so they will joyfully live out this truth […]
TULIP: The Five Points of Calvinism is a 6-week course that attempts to carefully present the biblical teaching on the sovereignty of God in the salvation of sinners. Students will systematically study the five points of Calvinism (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints) by examining the relevant biblical passages. […]
The Waters of Death and Life: Understanding and Celebrating a Believer’s Baptism is a six-week course advancing the truth that Christians ought to not only understand but also celebrate the doctrine of believer’s baptism. The course will assert that baptism is an immersion in water for believers only, and will seek to provide a biblical […]
Give from Your Heart: Magnifying Christ in Financial Stewardship is a six-week course advancing the truth that Christian giving ought to be prompted, motivated, and sustained by a glorious vision of the sovereign and self-giving God. The course will assert that how we use our money and possessions is an issue of critical importance, and […]
Go Therefore: Man’s Mission and God’s Glory