New Master’s-Level Missions Experience


Bethlehem College and Seminary is teaming up with Radius International to deliver a new, Master’s Degree-level, in-field training experience for students. Those enrolled in Bethlehem Seminary’s Missions Concentration will now have opportunities to complete the fourth year of M.Div. studies at a Radius International training center in Mexico. Students in Bethlehem College’s M.A. in Theology & Global Studies will also have opportunities to complete their final year of studies in the field with Radius.

“This is in keeping with our school’s mission ‘to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ,’ our ‘missions-minded’ core value, and the longstanding global outreach legacy of Bethlehem College and Seminary and our founding churches,” said Dr. Brian J. Tabb, President of Bethlehem College and Seminary. “We are delighted to be in partnership with Radius International for the hope of the nations,” he added.

Radius International, according to information on the organization’s website, “Trains individuals, couples, and families who are committed to long-term, pioneer church planting among unreached language groups. Radius students acquire spritial, relational, emotional, and moral maturity as well as the physical stamina that will enable them to survive the rigors of cross-cultural work and life.”

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For more information contact the Bethlehem College and Seminary Admissions Department at [email protected].