Dear friends,
As you may already know, we have graciously been given a matching gift of $100,000 to help us meet our Serious Joy Scholarship commitments for the school year just completed. This matching gift will help us to meet our remaining need of $76,307 for this fiscal year. If you would please pray with us for the Lord’s provision, we would be grateful.
As we responded to the requirements for quarantines and social distancing in the midst of the past semester, we learned that while we are able to deliver a quality education in this manner, we are also eager to resume our in-person education this fall. It is such a key component of our mission to raise up mature believers in Jesus with knowledge and understanding of both His Word and His world. We are preparing, even now, to reopen this fall on campus—the Lord and the government permitting—with our continued emphasis on deep, rigorous study and significant discipleship in community. All of this, however, will be done with the appropriate precautions to guard the health and safety of our students, staff, and church family. And if you know anyone who may be interested in our distinctive approach to education, please let them know that this year we’ll be accepting applications right up to the first day of classes this August.
I want to thank you for your continued support of Bethlehem College & Seminary in the midst of the extraordinarily difficult times we are all experiencing right now. Your faithfulness has been such a blessing to us, and we thank the Lord for you in our prayers. It has been an encouragement to us to see how the people of God have responded to the needs of ministries like ours in the midst of this pandemic.
If you would be moved to help us meet the matching gift by June 30, we would be so very grateful.
May the Lord bless you with magnificent grace and abundant peace.
Tim Tomlinson
Prayer Requests:
- Please continue to pray for peace in the city of Minneapolis and the surrounding communities.
- Please continue to pray that the Lord would guide the Presidential Succession Commission and the Board of Trustees.
- Please pray that the Lord would bring in the final $76,307 that we may finish our fiscal year strongly.