I take the road that leads to love anew,
Yet pause before and seek to spy the end.
Can I return, a one so oft untrue
And faithless? Can I now this course defend?
Nigh half a score of years have passed since I
Your favor held and first enjoyed your grace,
But O! My roving heart was swift to fly,
And how can I now hope to find your face?
Then strikes the mind a story ringing true,
The day when first our journey came to be:
I see therein that I did not choose you,
But you did first reach forth and welcome me.
Thus I must take my cue from journeys past;
My oldest road to love informs the last.
Taken from the 2019 edition of Artos, the literary journal of Bethlehem College & Seminary students. Art by A. Sarna, B.A. ’19