Filled with Thanksgiving


Bethlehem College & Seminary wouldn’t exist without the generous and faithful support of a growing number of people who have prioritized our school in their charitable giving.  This is a fact which brings me to my knees in thanksgiving to the Lord for choosing to use these dear friends as His means of fueling the increasingly global impact of this school.  It is an awesome thing to contemplate.  People of all ages, from all walks of life, from many states, and from all levels of financial ability, have become the foundation of financial bedrock that allows Bethlehem College & Seminary to pursue its mission with increasing effectiveness.

My wife and I just returned from a trip to Florida last week where I attended the annual meeting of our accreditation association.  After those meetings, we had the opportunity to visit a number of our financial supporters who live in Florida.  What a delight it was to visit these dear friends and to thank them personally for the part they play in growing the ministry of our school.

Over the ten years of our existence, I have been so humbled by the many expressions of encouragement, thanksgiving, and confidence in what we are doing here.  I can scarcely comprehend the depths of the goodness and mercies of God through it all.  And what I love most of all is how the Lord uses all sorts of people to give all sizes of gifts—large, small, and in-between.  Every one of them is important to us and cherished.  The Lord has given us the privilege and responsibility to be stewards of the generosity of His people.

So I return from Florida filled with thanksgiving, not only for the dear friends we visited there, but for all of our faithful supporters who are supporting our school through their prayers and their giving.

I am so thankful for you!

May the Lord grant you great joy and satisfaction as you partner with us for the sake of the gospel and for the future of the church worldwide.

Tim Tomlinson

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please be in prayer for our students and faculty as the Spring semester nears the midway point. Pray that the Lord would be powerfully at work among us.
  2. Also, please be praying for our upcoming accreditation evaluation. We submitted our Self-Study last month and at the end of March we’ll have a team of evaluators on campus looking carefully at everything we do.  Please pray that they would recommend us for accreditation renewal.
  3. Please continue to be in prayer for our two offsite programs—the one in Memphis, TN, and the one that will be starting up in Cameroon later this year. We believe the Lord has called us to train pastors and missionaries in these areas through partnerships with local churches there.  Please pray that these efforts would bear much fruit for the sake of the gospel.
  4. And, as always, continue to pray for our finances. Our best efforts at teaching and discipling our students would not be possible without the ongoing support of God’s people.