It’s so easy to get caught up in the insanity of our times. If you only read the news headlines every day, it’s nearly impossible to keep from being sucked into the hopelessness that fills the lives of so many around the world. We need hope to live, and we need hope to fulfill our calling to the world.
That’s why I love the Advent season. It’s all about hope. Jesus Christ came into the world that we might have the hope of eternal life—with Him, in glory, forever!
Here are some of the reasons why I have hope this Advent season:
- The birth of Jesus over 2,000 years ago continues to demonstrate the amazing love of God to us.
- “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Is 9:6)
- God is already accomplishing and will fully accomplish His purposes in the world—regardless of the current state of godlessness in our day.
- “…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” (1 Tim 1:15)
- Jesus Christ is no longer a baby in a manger. He has conquered death and now reigns at the right of God Almighty. He will one day soon bring history to its conclusion, and we will all then be with Him in glory.
For these, and many more reasons, I am filled with hope as we enter this Advent season. We need Jesus. The world needs Jesus. Make him known and watch the lost become the found this Christmas—by the glorious saving power of God through Jesus Christ.
Rejoicing with you in our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ,
Tim Tomlinson
Bethlehem College & Seminary
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray as our students and faculty enter the last hectic weeks of the semester. Pray that they all finish the semester well and that the Lord will use what they are learning to shape and mold them into His image.
- Please pray for our ongoing planning for the future. While we live in uncertain times, we are planning for a certain and glorious future. Pray for wisdom for the leadership of the school that we would plan well and wisely.
- Please also be in prayer for our calendar year-end financial needs. December is the most important month of the year with regard to financial contributions. Pray that the Lord would provide bountifully for us in these last few weeks of 2017.
- Please also be in prayer for upcoming Bethlehem Conference for Pastors + Church Leaders (January 2018). Pray that the Lord would bring together all of His pastors and shepherds who need to be encouraged, inspired, and equipped for the crucial work God has called them to do.