Times and Seasons


The election next week is probably one of the most consequential ones in our lifetime. That may sound like an overstatement, but with the two main political parties veering farther apart, the choices become more significant with each passing election. It appears to me that Christians are more divided, more perplexed, and more torn heading into this election than perhaps for any election in recent history. As I’ve thought and prayed and read about the issues, what’s at stake, and the implications of our votes for upholding the laws of God, it has led me to share with you the following observations, which I pray will be helpful to you as they have been to me.

1. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:5b-7). This is always true—both now and forevermore. We don’t need to be anxious because the Lord is “at hand,” and He is sovereign over all things. If we turn our anxiousness over to Him, He will give us peace beyond measure.

2. “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:20b-21a). No matter how we vote, the candidates elected to office are ultimately determined by God Almighty. That isn’t at all to suggest that we shouldn’t vote—we absolutely should—it just means that God is sovereign over election results; just like He is over everything else. That should be comforting to us who are trusting Him for our future.

3. Some Christians I have talked with in recent weeks have considered not voting in this election. I don’t think that is the correct option for Christians to choose. The Lord has placed us in this world to be participants in it. We are here to be witnesses to His grace and truth. One of the ways we do that is by “speaking” into the political process through our votes. Voting matters because laws and policies matter. They can either reflect the laws of God, or they can controvert them.

4. The dilemma of knowing what aspect of a candidate is most important—policies or character—has become accentuated in this election. The reality is that every candidate for every political office in every election is a sinner with character flaws. How then does one determine which flaws/sins disqualify a candidate from elected office? This is not easy to assess (since we rarely know much about the true character or sins of a given candidate) and, in the end, becomes a matter of individual conscience. I believe sincere Christians can land safely on either side of this dilemma.

5. Personally, I simplify my own voting decisions by focusing on what I won’t vote for. I will not vote for any candidate, under any circumstances, who supports or advocates the killing of babies in their mother’s wombs. This is one of the most barbaric, heinous, unthinkable acts conceivable, and any politician who is in favor of this does not deserve to hold elected office, in my view. Such a candidate may have other very good ideas or policies which they support. However, no good idea they may have can atone for their unbiblical, ungodly, and deadly support for abortion.

Finally, as we approach this election, we should remember and obey Paul’s exhortation to the church in Rome:

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12).

If we do these things, we will approach the future with confidence knowing that the Lord is in complete control, and that He will bring history to its rightful and glorious conclusion as He ushers in His Kingdom in all its full glory.

Trusting and rejoicing in our great, sovereign God,


Tim Tomlinson

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please continue to pray for us at Bethlehem College & Seminary. The Lord has been gracious and merciful to us so far this semester. We have had a few confirmed cases of COVID-19, but they have not spread. Our students and faculty/staff are all working together effectively to minimize its impact. Please pray for our ability to finish out the semester with our “in-person” education.
  2. Please continue to pray for our school during these extraordinary times. Pray for wisdom and strength as we continue to deal with the challenges brought about by the pandemic.
  3. And, as always, please keep praying for our school’s finances. While these are indeed uncertain times economically and financially, we know that the Lord is not constrained at all by the conditions we see. He is able to accomplish anything He chooses—no matter what the circumstances. Please pray for a continuing outpouring of His grace and mercy toward our financial needs.