Truth—A Sonnet


Could all the songs of earth and heav’n combine,
Of this, their sound would still not match the grace,
That through the darkness piercing, Light divine
Has come, with Life commingling in this place.

How fine this Way in fairest testament,
Thrice-witnessed Proof, the strongest kind of plea—
Though men deny the Truth with lying bent,
And though the gavel falls—“To Calvary!”

Doubts grasp the shadows of the lingering night,
And even friends tell lies and turn away.
The Savior goes. Has untruth won the fight?
The cockerel knows! His song heralds the day.

“What is truth?” But Pilate’s words belie,
For even now he looks Truth in the eye.

Taken from the 2019 edition of Artos, the literary journal of Bethlehem College & Seminary students.