Jonathon D. Woodyard (M. Div. ’16) has been named Dean of Admissions at Bethlehem College & Seminary. Woodyard will also become Assistant Professor of Theology and History, assuming both roles on May 1, 2021.
“I can think of few people in the world better qualified to champion the purpose, scope, and benefits of a Bethlehem College & Seminary education to prospective students and those who influence their school selection decisions than Jonathon Woodyard, “ said President Timothy Tomlinson. “His expanded role on the faculty will also permit our students to enjoy his gifts and encouragement as a pastor-scholar. We regard it a providential gift from the Lord that Pastor Woodyard would be available to us at this season.” he added.
President-Elect Joe Rigney said, “I’m thrilled to add Jonathon Woodyard to our team. Not only is he a humble pastor and careful scholar, but he is also a good friend and fantastic leader. He will play a new and integral role on our leadership team, and, Lord willing, together he and I hope to attain, in the near future, our long-established vision of an intentionally small school of 250 full-time students.”
Woodyard currently serves as Lead Pastor of Northfield Community Church in Northfield, Minnesota, a church he planted with others in 2016. His previous pastoral experience includes service as Family Pastor of Oak Park Baptist Church, Associate Pastor of Brainard Avenue Baptist Church, and Collegiate Campus Pastor of Porter Memorial Baptist Church. He has been active in the membership of both the Treasuring Christ Together and SEND church planting networks.
Pastor Woodyard is a Ph.D. candidate in Historical Theology at Midwestern Theological Seminary, Kansas City, where he will finish a Th.M. in early 2021. He earned his M.Div. from Bethlehem College & Seminary in 2016, and while here served in teaching assistant roles at the school, ministry responsibilities at Bethlehem Baptist Church, and in global outreach assignments with Training Leaders International. Woodyard received a B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Boyce College at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, in 2012. He is coeditor of the recent book Before We Forget: Reflections from New and Seasoned Pastors on Enduring Ministry (B&H). He has also published articles and reviews in The Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Midwestern Journal of Theology, For the Church, Themelios, and Desiring God. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and has served in the leadership of MN-WI Baptist Convention.
From 1999-2012, Woodyard served with decoration and distinction in the United States Army during which time he was deployed in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Pastor Woodyard is married to Gina, and they are the parents of two sons, Calvin and Caleb.