Pure Pleasure DVD & Study Guide


Bethlehem College & Seminary is about spreading. We long to see a love for the supremacy of God and joy in Christ spread worldwide, and believe that God has called us to not only spread this passion ourselves, but to equip others to do the same. We love spreading our vision through education, missions, church planting, and the list could go on. 

All of this excites us. But what is particularly exciting is when God provides means for our spreading to be multiplied. This weekend, Bethlehem College & Seminary Press is multiplying their spreading with the launch of their new product, Pure Pleasure: Fighting Pleasure with Pleasure in the Battle for Sexual Purity, a six-session seminar DVD that includes a study guide to lead groups through the content.

We are excited to launch this new product not just because we believe the content to be valuable for the edification of the church and the spreading of our vision, but because with its launch we are given the opportunity to support another love of ours: church planting. The seminar and study are taught and written by Kempton Turner, who, until recently, was a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church . Turner and his family are currently raising support to plant a new church, City of  Joy Fellowship, in East Saint Louis, Illinois, which is adjacent to Ferguson, Missouri. By launching this product, any sales will go to support not only Bethlehem College & Seminary, but also the Turners, as they raise support for their own mission of spreading through church planting. What a blessing it is to see our vision spread in these multiple ways through the release of just one product!

Pure Pleasure will be available at the Bethlehem Bookstore and here. 

Additionally, if you are interested in supporting the Turners and City of Joy Fellowship more directly, you can learn more about their church plant here.