Education Is Not the Cure


We are easily led astray. This has been the plight of the human race ever since the garden. Furthermore, education by itself is not the cure, for in addition to being led astray, we are born with a natural bent to truth suppression. The problem isn’t chiefly what we don’t know, but what we do know and suppress. It simply will not do to try to unknow what we know–primarily, that there is a God. The root of bad theology is crooked hearts, which is why we must take our hearts into account when we handle the Bible. Our problem isn’t mainly that we aren’t adequately educated, but that we aren’t adequately sanctified.

Which is one reason wise institutions have boards instead of dictators. The cross section of board members reduces the likelihood that blind spots and shortfalls in sanctification will occur in each board member in the same way at the same time. We can point out each others’ blind spots, and in the rough and tumble of board interaction press on each proposal to make it better with genuine hope that God’s Spirit in each other is guiding us collectively to worthwhile plans and decisions.

What did the board do at its six-hour meeting last week?

  • Paused to pray together off and on throughout the meeting.
  • Thanked God for 200 students enrolled.
  • Received the treasurer’s (Jason Abell’s) report indicating that God is supporting this school in a healthy financial track.
  • Considered the report of the Vice President of Advancement (Rick Segal) indicating that a principal challenge is to identify new friends of the school outside of Minneapolis to support scholarships enabling debt-free graduation for the students.
  • Rejoiced in the sabbatical report of Dr. Jason DeRouchie who studied, lectured, and wrote for publication, while also investing significant time with his wife, Teresa, and children.
  • Inaugurated a process to establish healthy board policies related to conflict of interest, fiduciary duties, and board member profile.
  • Clarified church membership requirements (at Bethlehem Baptist Church) for trustees.
  • Embraced a written vision for spreading brought by the president.
  • Interviewed Dr. Paul Lim, unanimously recommending him to the Bethlehem Baptist Church elder council for appointment to the Bethlehem College & Seminary board.
  • Voted to establish a Facilities Task Force to assess long-term space needs of the school and bring a comprehensive recommendation in February.
  • Several other matters were taken up, including the granting of three degrees.

Sam Crabtree
Bethlehem College & Seminary Board, Chairman


Andy Naselli’s message at Chapel,
Sept 17, 2015: “Your Body is a Temple”

Join us for our weekly Chapel Service on Thursday, October 1st, 12:45-1:45pm, featuring Nick Roen speaking on homosexuality.


Prayer Requests:

1. Pray toward the funding of the 240 Serious Joy Scholarships still needed for this year.

2. Pray that God would help us identify new friends of the school to support scholarships enabling debt-free graduation for our students.

3. Ask God for wisdom in the selection of a Facilities Task Force that will assess long-term space needs of the school.

4. Thank God for the blessings he poured down on Experience Bethlehem 2015. It was a wonderful time of encouragement and community.contribute