Blog Archives

I Believe in the Holy Catholic* Church, the Communion of the Saints

The Church’s Identity & Mission   Samuel J. Stone wrote a collection of 12 hymns on the Apostle’s Creed titled Lyra Fidelium or Songs of the Faithful. The song we just sang—The Church’s One Foundation—is the hit single from that great album. Stone was an Anglican pastor and poet who wrote dozens of hymns and […]

Saving Faith, Creedal Authority, & Rivers of Affection

He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead

He Ascended to Heaven, Is Seated at God’s Right Hand

He Descended to Hell. The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead.

He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate, Was Crucified, Died, and Buried

I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son Our Lord, Conceived by the Spirit, Born of a Virgin

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth

Introducing the Apostle’s Creed

What do the following historic, evangelical confessions have in common? The Augsburg Confession. Helvetic Confession. Gallican Confession. Belgic Confession. Westminster Confession and Catechism. Second London Baptist Confession. The Canons of Dort. All of these historic Protestant confessions have one thing in common: each of them has its roots in the Apostles’ Creed, the Creed which […]

The Counter-Counter Cultural College Experience