Author Archives: Leah Bruneau

COVID-19 Financial Update

TO: Faculty, Staff, Students, and Friends of Bethlehem College & Seminary FROM: Jason Abell, Chief Financial Officer DATE:  May 22, 2020 RE:  COVID-19 Financial Implications This is a long and important memo. I pray that you will give it attention, knowing that I’m attempting to convey a lot via the written word, trusting in the Lord for all good things. […]

On the Tooth of a Flea Redux

Having been mustered to compose a sensitive-to-our-present-moment appeal for school year-end financial support for The Serious Joy Scholarship, I discerned that it would be no shirk on my part to reprise my appeal—now highly relevant—from this same time in 2016. Little did we know. “Little” being the operative term. For the better part of the […]

Great Books in the Time of COVID-19

The first week of the semester went something like this: Monday: Teach Genesis 1–3 and its implications for our understanding men and women Tuesday morning: Teach Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Tuesday afternoon: Teach Aquinas on the doctrine of God Thursday morning: Begin teaching The Brothers Karamazov And so it went for a few months. We worked […]

Special Report

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.—Romans 8:28 This report has been prepared that you might be informed of the impact of COVID-19 on the Bethlehem College & Seminary community. By the grace of God, at this writing, […]

Looking Forward Expectantly

If you’re like me, you’ve grown accustomed to daily updates on the Coronavirus pandemic and numbers associated with it. You’ve also, no doubt, experienced the impact of this on how we go about our daily lives—mostly in lock-down mode. For those who are thinking about their future plans, much is unknown and uncertain. Colleges and […]

Longing to See You For My Joy

“I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.”—2 Timothy 1:3–4 The days are getting longer, it seems. The morning comes and […]

Taking Seriously the Deadly Virus—and the Deadliest Virus

New York is struggling to find 30,000 ventilators to save as many as possible from succumbing to COVID-19. The United States is scrambling to find ways to test millions more of our citizens and have already tested two million. We praise God for the means of common grace to fight this virus that has engulfed […]

It’s Never Been Easier

In these uncertain and difficult times, probably the last thing on your mind is the state of Bethlehem College & Seminary admissions. There is no dashboard with live updates of all of our accepted students, or the number of students per state, for you to check on daily. Nevertheless, Bethlehem has adapted every aspect of […]

Of Hearts Grown Fonder

“Semper in absentees Felicia rose aestus amantes.” —Sextus Propertius, Elegies III, c. 29BC It has taken a global pandemic to do it, but 21st century life has at last slowed. Pastors and pundits have been urging us for some while toward less-harried, more contemplative lives ever since our performance and productivity seemed to become wed to […]

What is God Doing?

At Bethlehem we exist to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things. Most times, that’s exciting and fun: the supremacy of God in literature, the supremacy of God in business, the supremacy of God in the arts. But times like these can cause you to do a double take: what about […]