Author Archives: Leah Bruneau

In Humanity’s Hinterlands

In his recent article “Commit Lit,” philosopher Joseph Keegin describes an important aspect of the state of higher education in our contemporary moment. Interweaving analysis of the broader trends besetting academia in 2024 with his own inspiring story of returning to college at age 25, Keegin contrasts the popular “quit-lit” view of academic humanities as “a […]

Closing the Mind on God

The witty writer and Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton shared this sage advice: “the object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.”[1] Like many proverbs, this requires some interpretation. What does it mean to open your mind? And what might it mean to shut your mind […]

New Master’s-Level Missions Experience

Bethlehem College and Seminary is teaming up with Radius International to deliver a new, Master’s Degree-level, in-field training experience for students. Those enrolled in Bethlehem Seminary’s Missions Concentration will now have opportunities to complete the fourth year of M.Div. studies at a Radius International training center in Mexico. Students in Bethlehem College’s M.A. in Theology […]

Aft Agley

“Does Robert Burns’ work reflect Calvinist influence?” Google that one and you’ll learn that while Burns’, Scotland’s 18th century poet laureate, like so many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, eschewed the Calvinism of his upbringing, it was on him in the way a wool sweater holds the charcoal aroma of a campfire. This was also true of […]

From the Bottom of My Heart


Doxology in Royal David’s City

God became man. This is miracle stands at the heart of the Christian faith. It has inspired carefully crafted creeds (“God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made…). It has prompted elegant meditation by theological giants like Athanasius who wrote, “In short, such and so many are the Savior’s […]

Launch Debt-Free Students

It is the season of the year during which it is both my responsibility and joy to appeal to you for a contribution to The Serious Joy Scholarship at Bethlehem College and Seminary, the financial instrument that permits our students to receive a God-centered, Bible-saturated, historically rooted, academically rigorous education at a remarkably affordable tuition […]

Could Jesus Have Sinned?

During Advent, we celebrate Matthew 1:21: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” We need Jesus to save us because we are sinners. We sin a lot. But could Jesus have sinned? To answer this question well, we […]

Deep Gratitude

“We give thanks to God always…” Such expressions of Godward gratitude adorn the New Testament letters of the apostle Paul. In fact, scholars have demonstrated that Paul’s writings employ the language of thankfulness more consistently and frequently than any other author of his day. Even when Paul faces manifold difficulties—imprisonment and beatings, opposition and danger, […]

God Created Everything

That God created the world implies that he is in control of all of his creation; but, is there anything outside of the Triune God that is not created by the Triune God? No! Everything outside of God comes from God—being created by him. Therefore, whether we are referring to the material things of this […]