Author Archives: Leah Bruneau

The God Who Equips

My wife and I recently had a newly married couple to our home for dinner. They also happen to both be students in our Bachelor of Theology program. It was wonderful to hear more of their story, talk about their first couple months of marriage, and see them interact with our children. As an instructor […]

Alumni Near and Far

This summer I was able to travel to two very different parts of the world, one Buddhist and one Muslim. In the Buddhist dominated area in Asia, one of our current seminary students, his wife, and I had the opportunity to teach a course on hermeneutics to an emerging group of pastors and leaders from […]

Eight Years of Faithfulness

The seminary has completed eight years and has launched its ninth as a degree-granting institution. The college is one year behind it. Joshua has a word for such institutions: Joshua 23:6 Therefore, be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from […]

Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of Christ

The Apostle Paul, the first global church planter, expressed his gospel mission with this astounding expression of his ministry:   “Of this gospel I was made a minister …though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ…” (Ephesians 3:7-8, ESV) […]

An Opportunity to Worship and Show Mercy

Hurricane Harvey has rightfully dominated the news this past week.  It was the strongest storm to hit Texas in 50 years.  At least 38 people have died as a result of the storm.  Flooding remains a dangerous threat as over 50 inches of rain has fallen since the storm hit.  Between 30,000 and 40,000 homes […]

Puritan Missions, Migration, and a Multi-Cultural Kingdom of God

  We live in a day of unprecedented global migration in general, and refugee displacement in particular. While it is naïve and myopic to think of the United States as the only nation that has had a significant amount of immigrants contribute to the vitality of its population, the US is indeed the most diverse […]

Astonished, Yet Not In Disbelief

By God’s amazing grace, the Alex Steddom International Student Fund has been sufficiently funded by to meet the extraordinary financial needs of two new seminary students—one from El Salvador and the other from Myanmar—who attended their first classes at Bethlehem College & Seminary this week. René Gonzalez, Zau Naw, their brothers in the seminary cohort, […]

The Lust for Mastery Will Master Us Unless…

The desire in all of us to dominate—to say, “my way or no way!”—is what Augustine calls the lust for mastery.   Augustine opens his magnum opus, The City of God against the Pagans, contrasting the City of God, characterized by “the virtue of humility,” with the City of Man, characterized by libido dominandi—“the lust […]

How the Bible Directs My View of Christian Higher Education

This past semester, I took a course on higher education as part of a Ph.D. program I’m enrolled in at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. One of the assignments for the course required me to write a personal philosophy of teaching. As you might expect for an assignment like this, I was supposed to comment […]

To Present Them Mature in Christ

As summer wanes, the preparations for the coming school year ramp up with earnestness.  Each year, those preparations seem to start earlier and earlier.  But it’s necessary.  We are about a serious business here and all of us take our responsibilities to heart with the desire to do our very best for the sake of […]