My education at Bethlehem College & Seminary was phenomenal. It taught me to treasure God and his Word by tracing the thoughts of biblical authors after them and to then communicate those thoughts with others.
This teaching on communication has proved to be immediately relevant. By God’s grace, I am now the Communications Manager for Sovereign Grace. In this role, I will need to communicate in a God-centered, Bible-empowered way to those both inside and outside of Sovereign Grace.
So, I thank God for the rigorous training that I received from Bethlehem College & Seminary. Likewise, I thank God for you, the saints who prayerfully and financially support this institution. God has used your gifts to enable me to enter this new season of ministry debt-free. God’s grace abounds to this sinner!
As you pray for the requests mentioned below, know that we take your prayers seriously. We long for the day when we will see how God is using your faithfulness in prayer to make an eternal difference in this institution. Please forward this email or share this link with others who you believe may wish to join our prayer partner email list. We will not send emails to anyone without permission.
Please pray:
- That God would enable me to strengthen Sovereign Grace’s partnership with Bethlehem Baptist Church, Bethlehem College & Seminary, and Desiring God for the sake of God’s kingdom.
- That the word of God would nourish and encourage the students learning Greek and Hebrew this summer.
- That our faculty, staff, and students would rest in Christ during these months.
- That God would bless Bethlehem College & Seminary’s initiative to crowdsource scholarships. By God’s grace, we only need about $100,000 to meet budget by June 30.
Longing with you to spend and be spent for the gospel,
Bryan DeWire