Blog Archives

The CWIC Classroom, Primary Sources, and Experiential Learning

In the Christian Worldview Program, integration isn’t merely about the content; it’s about the way we deliver the education. Watch our latest video to discover more about this unique educational experience.

What Do We Mean By “Integrated”?

In our new video, we seek to describe the uniqueness of our integrated approach to undergraduate education, a uniqueness born from the biblical conviction that “In Christ All Things Hold Together.”

What is the Christian Worldview Integrated Curriculum?

Every undergraduate student at BCS spends her first two years of study in the Christian Worldview Integrated Curriculum. Here’s a video to help you see the truth, goodness, and beauty in that approach.

Naselli Joins BCS Faculty

The board, faculty, and administration of Bethlehem College & Seminary are pleased to announce the hiring of Dr. Andy Naselli as Assistant Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology.

Tabb Publishes Book Review

BCS Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies Brian Tabb has published a reivew of James Kelhoffer’s book addressing the leadership of the New Testament church and suffering.

Local Church Leadership

Churches need leaders. And while seminary remains a great option for many, more and more churches are seeking to raise up leaders from within through church-based theological training.

Myers Publishes in Yale Journal

BCS Instructor in Missions and Discipleship Travis Myers has published an insightful article in the online theological journal from Yale Universtiy called Glossolalia.

Meyer Approved as Piper’s Successor

This past Sunday evening at Bethlehem Baptist Church’s Annual Meeting we witnessed an historic occasion as Dr. Jason Meyer was formally approved as Pastor John Piper’s successor as Pastor for Preaching and Vision at BBC.

Happy Thanksgiving

Our students are thankful, and in this video they share their thanks with everyone who has prayed for and given to Bethlehem College & Seminary.

Theology in Motion

While Bethlehem College & Seminary students and faculty alike share much academic profit from the serious wrestling with theology in Scripture, God continues to bless Bethlehem College & Seminary with the enjoyment of doctrine worked out into the warp and woof of our lives.