Blog Archives

DeRouchie Sermon Audio Posted

Four sermons by Dr. Jason DeRouchie are now available. Each of these sermons was given at the Northwestern College Chapel. You can download the sermons below, or visit Dr. DeRouchie’s facultypage.

Dead Sea Scrolls Lecture Audio Available

Bethlehem College & Seminary presents “An Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls” with guest lecturer Dan Gurtner (professor at Bethel Seminary).

Meyer Book Reviews in Themelios

Jason C. Meyer, assistant professor of New Testament at Bethlehem College & Seminary, recently published three book reviews in the latest edition of the journal Themelios. Meyer reviewed Ron du Preez’s Judging the Sabbath: Discovering What Can’t Be Found in Colossians 2:16, J. R. Daniel Kirk’s, Unlocking Romans: Resurrection and the Justification of God, and Douglas J. Moo’s The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon.

Tabb Presents at Regional Society of Biblical Liturature

Brian Tabb, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at BCS, presented a paper at the Society of Biblical Literature regional meeting on April 9. Brian’s paper (PDF), “Johannine Fulfillment Language,” attempts to explain what John’s Gospel means in saying that Jesus’ suffering and death take place “in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled.”

Joe Rigney – Disputatio

Joe Rigney is Instructor of Theology and Christian Worldview at Bethlehem College & Seminary. He’s written and edited a number of study guides for Desiring God, the resource ministry of John Piper. He completed a B.A. in Speech Communication at Texas A&M University and the Vocational Elder Training Program at Bethlehem Baptist Church. He and his wife and their remarkable little boy live underground in Minneapolis.

Griffith Sermon at Bethlehem

Ryan Griffith, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Assistant Professor of Christian Worldview, preached the sermon last Saturday and Sunday at Bethlehem’s North Campus.

Jason Meyer Named New Testament Professor

Bethlehem College & Seminary announces Jason C. Meyer as Assistant Professor of New Testament beginning Fall 2010.

Recent Blog Posts about BCS

Here are links to three recent blog posts about BCS.

BCS Special Lecture – Dr. Peter Jensen

Dr. Peter Jensen, the Archbishop of Sydney (Anglican), will be speaking to students and staff in a BCS special lecture on Monday 14 December from 12:30–1:30pm in the sanctuary at the Downtown Campus of Bethlehem Baptist Church. All are welcome to attend.

DeRouchie Challenges Members of the Evangelical Theological Society to Keep the Biblical Languages in Their Curricula

During the week before Thanksgiving, many of the BCS staff and some of our students attended the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in New Orleans, LA. Our Associate Professor of Old Testament, Jason DeRouchie, presented a paper that challenged members of the ETS to retain the biblical languages and original-language exegesis in their school curricula.