Blog Archives

We Can Do More

At the most recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bethlehem College & Seminary, I presented a paper outlining a vision for the spreading of the mission of our school. 

Sexual Immorality

Christians should glorify God with their bodies by not committing sexual immorality. That’s what Paul argues in 1 Corinthians 6:12–20. He gives at least eleven reasons a Christian should not commit sexual immorality

Education Is Not the Cure

We are easily led astray. This has been the plight of the human race ever since the garden. Furthermore, education by itself is not the cure, for in addition to being led astray, we are born with a natural bent to truth suppression.

“Don’t Be a Sucker!”

John Piper at New Student Orientation

To the Next Generation

What a blessing that in a world filled with so much darkness, evil and despair, God has opened the eyes of us who believe to see the light of the glory of Jesus Christ! He has given us reason to praise and bless the name of our Lord every day!

I Want to be a Titus, Too

“Go to 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, and make them your manual,” was Chancellor John Piper’s exhortation to me when eighteen months ago I assumed an entirely new-to-me role in higher education development (i.e., “fundraising”) at Bethlehem College & Seminary.

Heard in Heaven

We have now begun our seventh year of operation as Bethlehem College & Seminary. I can scarcely believe what the Lord has done over these last six-plus years. 

The Teaching that Changed My Life

It is hard to overemphasize the crucial role my college choice made in my life’s direction. 

I was a brand new Christian when I made the choice to attend a college where I met a faculty member that God used to impact my entire life. 

“Silver” | The Gray Havens

“We were sailing on waves of silver

There were echoes in the wind

When we raised our sails to capture them

The shipped was lifted up and in”


High School Senior, Prepare to Launch

As a church-based institution, we care about all of the young adults at Bethlehem Baptist Church, whether or not God calls them to Bethlehem College and Seminary. The following (fictional) letter distills some of the advice that I’ve given to parents and high school students about how to maximize their final years of high school in preparation for college. Continue to read…