Blog Archives

A City Set on a Hill Cannot be Hidden

Professor Joe Rigney’s contributes to Fragmented Families and the Silence of the Faithful: How Religious Leaders and Institutions Must Speak Up and Reach Out, a Symposium published by the Center of the American Experiment. Continue to read …

Standing Firm

We have all seen the massive and rapid shift in public sentiment regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and other related issues. Continue to read 

The Honey and the Blood

Recently our freshman college students studied the Gospel narratives of Passion Week. Continue to read

Invisible Impact

Several years ago, when I was in college, I wrote my final seminar paper looking for a particular relationship between the Great Awakening and the American Revolution. Continue to read

Policies, Money, and the Bethlehem College & Seminary Board

At a six and a half hour meeting on Thursday, February 5th, the board of Bethlehem College & Seminary adopted a policy on Sex and Gender Identity after extensive discussion over multiple meetings. Continue to read

Accredited! Praise to God!

Bethlehem College & Seminary has become accredited today! Continue to read …

Saying Goodbye to Bethlehem College & Seminary

In August 2010, my wife and I moved directly from teaching English in South Korea to Minneapolis to attend the newly-formed Bethlehem College & SeminaryContinue to read

How Can Christians Endure Suffering?

Being a Christian does not make one immune from suffering. Continue to read

The Things of Earth

As a professor, one of the great benefits of being a part of a church-based school is the opportunity to sharpen and clarify our ideas in the context of a local congregation. Continue to read

Update On Year-End Giving

The end of the calendar year is a crucial time for the financial well-being of ministries such as Bethlehem College & Seminary. Continue to read