“Silver” | The Gray Havens


We were sailing on waves of silver

There were echoes in the wind

When we raised our sails to capture them

The ship was lifted up and in


Now the country that we came from

They play silver melodies

And the kings and queens all write their dreams

On silver pages we would read 

“Silver” is a song inspired by a conversation between C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein before Lewis‘s conversionThese two close friends shared a passion for myths interwoven with themes of good triumphing over evil, love that never parts, and even friendships with non-human beings. Before his conversion, Lewis held these myths–though nice ideas–merely to be “lies breathed through silver.” They may be beautiful, but dangerously deceptive if taken to be true. Tolkein, however, argued that Christianity was in fact the true myth, the one to which all other good stories ultimately point. Later, after his conversion, Lewis would liken these themes not to silver, but instead to “the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.”  

God has created a world in which his beauty, splendor, and majesty are everywhere, ringing out even through fallen myths to fallen men. We hear the echoes now with a longing that is both sorrowful for what was lost and yet hope-filled for what is to come. And we hope in an ever full, ever increasing love and joy in a perfected world where we will delight with all the angels in the presence of our redeemer and king, Jesus Christ. 

We’re delighted to be performing “Silver” and other songs with lyrics and melody that echo the beauty, splendor, and majesty of Christ at Experience Bethlehem next month. We hope you will join us. And to give you a taste we’ve made “Silver” available to download for free. May we all taste and see the beauty of Christ together.

David Radford

Lead Singer of The Gray Havens

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for husband-wife duo Dave and Licia Radford of The Gray Havens as they begin writing new songs for their next project and learn to care for their newborn son.  
  2. Pray for incoming students to Bethlehem College & Seminary as many of them move from out of state into Minneapolis this week and prepare to start classes Monday, August 24th.
  3. Pray that God would open a window in your schedule such that you might join us for Experience Bethlehem 2015, our Preview Day and Annual Friends Gathering.