Bethlehem Cited as a Classical Christian School


Bethlehem College and the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) jointly announced that the school is newly recognized as part of the ACCS Certified College Program.

“This certification affirms that Bethlehem College adheres to high standards of classical Christian education, providing students with a robust and reliable educational experience,” said ACCS President David Goodwin. The announcement took place as part of the ACCS National Conference, “Repairing the Ruins,” held this week in Atlanta.

Classical Christian education is characterized by a reliance on classical works by authors such as Homer, Democritus, Sophocles, Plato, Plotinus, Josephus, Dante, Pythagoras and Shakespeare, and an integration of a Christian worldview into all subjects. Bethlehem College offers three undergraduate and master’s degree programs all under the banner of “Great Books in Light of the Greatest Book for the sake of the Great Commission.”

“We are grateful to God for the association’s confidence in Bethlehem College,” said Zachary Howard, Bethlehem’s Academic Dean. “This certification marks our school as a preferred choice for ACCS high school graduates seeking further classical Christian education, and elevates our reputation among the religious and academic communities that share our commitment to Christ-centered classical education,” he added.

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