Category Archives: Uncategorized

Your Prayers Are Making A Difference!

I just returned from a trip to the Middle East and Arab Gulf region. I had the privilege of meeting with two of our graduates and their families. I saw them living far from home, far from the kids’ grandparents, far from another life they could have chosen. However, I saw them thriving in their […]

A Note from the Director of Admissions

We have a busy month ahead of us in admissions! The Fall 2017 undergraduate cohort is steadily filling up, but there is still some space available. If you know someone interested in applying to the college, please share this with them! Applications can be started on our website. Applications are also open for our Degree […]

The Gift of a Liberal Arts Education

Liberal arts education is a gift. In fact, the whole notion of its gracious nature is signaled in the term “liberal” arts. As our ancestors understood, scholarship implies the opportunity (σχολή, “leisure”) for intellectual pursuits. A “liberal” education is one which is afforded to free (liber) men–men who are able to set aside the plowing […]

New Faculty

Bethlehem College & Seminary aims to build a faculty with strong academic credentials, a love for teaching, a passion for God’s Word and His glory, and pastoral hearts. So it is with great joy that we announce the addition of Chris Bruno and Brian Hanson to our faculty. Chris Bruno is our new Assistant Professor of […]

California Dreamin’

🎶Stopped into a church. I passed along the way.🎶 It may surprise you to learn that students at Bethlehem College & Seminary come from all over the country. One of the largest populations of our students comes from California. Adrien and I hit the road the week before last, traveling the west coast all the […]

Don’t Love the World

In C. S. Lewis’ brilliant address “The Weight of Glory,” he talks about our “desire for our own far-off country.” Then he asks, “Do you think I am trying to weave a spell? Perhaps I am; but remember your fairy tales. Spells are used for breaking enchantments as well as for inducing them. And you […]

Worthy of Imitation

I so admire the Apostle Paul.  He was a man who was not ruled by fear, but rather, kept his eye on the “prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).  He was undaunted and unfazed by the many challenges he faced in his life as a believer in Jesus Christ.  […]

Calvin and Commerce: Creation, Work, and Vocation

Today’s post is a preview of Calvin on Commerce, the public lecture that Dr. Hall will give at Bethlehem College & Seminary Downtown Campus on Wednesday, February 8, at 7:00 p.m. We hope you will join us. Any proper understanding of Calvin on the subjects of money, wealth, or business must accept that these are […]

At Liberty to Launch

Jesse Albrecht, MDiv ’15, recently shared this testimony with a group of friends of Bethlehem College & Seminary: “I was still in my cap and gown on the night of commencement when I accepted a position with a missions organization focused on training pastors and church leaders in developing countries. I received my degree on a […]

What I Said to Rick Segal

When Rick Segal was transitioning to his new post as Vice President for Advancement at Bethlehem College & Seminary, he made an appointment to see me. He brought a list of 44 questions he wanted to discuss. He entered my office, and after we prayed, I said, “Before we tackle your 44 questions, I would […]