Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Message from Dr. Dieudonné Tamfu

It has been approximately two years since my family and I moved to Cameroon, and we are admitting the second cohort for the Bethlehem College & Seminary Cameroon extension site and also preparing to launch the church-plant that will house this seminary. We have held two conferences so far, all of which God used significantly to […]

A Message from Chying Chying

  “I thank you deeply for your generous gifts because I would not be able to bear the cost of seminary without your financial assistance. Bethlehem College & Seminary gives me an intense immersion into a God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated higher education. Even now as I enter my final year, I am equipped to teach and preach at […]

A Message from René Gonzaléz

  “I am deeply thankful for what the Lord has been doing these past months. By God’s grace, I have completed my third year in seminary, and I continue to marvel at God’s undeserved grace in this time of training. Earlier this year, the elders and members of Bethlehem Baptist Church voted me to become […]

A Message from Jeremiah Ogazi

  “Thank you so much for your love for the nations and your passion to see Christ exalted in my life. I am happy to announce that I made it through my first Minnesotan winter alive! The transformation from winter to spring is truly an illustration of the resurrection. I mention this to remind you […]

Meet Benaya Ariel

  God moved through international travel restrictions during this year of global pandemic to bring us an aspiring pastor from Jakarta, Indonesia, by way of Salem, Oregon. Benaya Ariel has just completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management at Corban University, a Christian school located in Oregon. We will welcome him to the […]

If the Lord Wills

The year 2020 has reminded us as vividly as any year in recent memory of the truths in James 4:13–17: Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow will […]

2020 Steddom Fund Appeal

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,  baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.—Matthew 28:19–20 (ESV) Permit me, as is my […]

No Thank You.

“There is no example in the Bible of someone expressing gratitude to another person.” I so clearly remember Dieudonné Tamfu matter-of-factly making this assertion to me during his time as a seminary student here during the school’s formative years. For me, it was the first time that I came to understand that all biblical gratitude […]

Accreditation Extended to 2030

Independent Evaluator Reaffirms School’s Compliance The Association of Biblical Higher Education’s (ABHE) Commission on Accreditation has reaffirmed the accreditation of Bethlehem College & Seminary until 2030. The commission is authorized by the U.S. Department of Education to conduct peer evaluation of educational institutions for the purpose of ensuring an appropriate level of quality. Accreditation figures […]

Jared Compton Joins Faculty

We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Jared Compton has accepted the position of Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek at Bethlehem College & Seminary.  Dr. Compton will be joining us full-time this summer and will be teaching courses in both the seminary and the college. Dr. Compton earned his Ph.D. from Trinity […]