This week, Pastor Rene Gonzalez (Bethlehem Baptist Church) will be speaking on 1 John 1:5–2:2. Every Wednesday, the Bethlehem College and Seminary community worships God together under the preaching of the Word. All are welcome to attend chapel at noon followed by community lunch.
Our theme for the semester is Confident in Christ. The letter of 1 John unfolds the unique glory of Jesus Christ—the God-man, eternal Life, embodied Truth, our Advocate, Savior, and Substitute—and unpacks what it means to truly know Christ and experience assurance of salvation, genuine love, holy living, bold prayer, and steadfast endurance. In this chapel series, Bethlehem professors, local pastors, and ministry partners will help us see and savor our Savior that we might be confident in Christ. Join us for chapel on Wednesdays at noon in the Bethlehem Baptist Church sanctuary.