As part of our Fall Preview Day and Eureka Seminar events, we are delighted to feature the presentation of a Torah scroll to Bethlehem College & Seminary.
Join staff, students, community leaders and faculty for this dynamic seminar with Dr. Scott Carroll, a leading expert in rare, biblical papyri and scrolls.
Get up close and personal with the recently unveiled Torah scroll as it is rolled out for your examination.
This interactive seminar is a must for anyone interested in biblical history, ancient artifacts, Hebrew, and the powerful roots of the Jewish tradition.
Gain hands-on experience with this rare artifact as you learn how the scroll can be put to use in your sphere of influence.
All are welcome to attend!
Time: 4:30–5:30PM
Place: Room 318–319 at the Bethlehem Baptist Church Downtown Campus
RSVP: Leah Bruneau at [email protected] or 651.455.3420 Ext 1113.