It is the time of year at which we write to thank you for being a faithful contributor to The Serious Joy Scholarship and to encourage you to continue, even deepen, your commitment to this extraordinary ministry. Would you please consider renewing your support at the same level as last year, and supporting one additional […]
I love the Christmas season. Not only does it bring about a change from our normal routines, but it puts our eyes squarely on the deepest significance of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. This is incredible. This is miraculous. This is the magnificent love of God at work in history, through Jesus. So, when we […]
Christmas offers a strange combination of shallow consumerism and sublime celebration. It has a unique position as both cherished Christian holiday and major cultural festivity. Macy’s proclaims good news of great toys for all children who bring their hopes and dreams (and their parents’ credit cards) to SantaLand. Yet Christians for generations have celebrated “Advent” […]
Jesus described himself as “the light of the world” in John 8:12. That’s an amazing description when you contemplate its meaning and implications. It’s a theme that each of the gospel writers (with the exception of Mark) used in their accounts of Jesus’ ministry. As the perfect, sinless, Son of God, Jesus was and is […]