Tag Archives: seminary

From and For The Nations

Seminary Update From René Gonzaléz and Chying Chying   It has been a year since my family and I moved from El Salvador to Minnesota in order to pursue theological training, and I want to thank you for partnering with Bethlehem College & Seminary to make this possible. I want to personally thank you for […]

Our Intentionally Small School

My first day at Seminary was not what I expected. There I was, sitting in a small circle with 17 other men and the seminary professors. To my surprise, there was no lecture about Theology, Greek, or Hermeneutics; it was about listening to God’s story in the lives of each of these men with whom […]

Turning to Thanksgiving

This time next week many of us will be gathered with family and friends to celebrate the things that we are thankful for. For Christians, this shouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary. We have been given eyes to see that God is the giver of all good gifts (James 1:16). God has given many […]

7 Reasons and 2 Ways to Pray for the Unreached and Unengaged

There are approximately 6,500 unreached people groups and roughly 1,200 unengaged people groups on planet earth. All are image bearers of God. None are worshipping Jesus. What does this mean for the church? It means at least one thing: we pray. Here are seven reasons (though there are many other reasons) and two ways (though […]

Amazing Blindness and Gracious Sight

In Acts 9, we read that Saul of Tarsus encountered the glorious God. Saul, blind to the truth, did not know him (2 Cor. 4:4). The deity, however, knew him: “Saul, Saul.” The Creator addressed him by name. “Why are you persecuting me?” The Pharisee who was advancing in Judaism beyond his peers (Gal. 1:14) […]

Commencement 2012

On Friday evening, May 18, Bethlehem College & Seminary graduated its first full class of students from all three primary degree programs: Master, Bachelor, and Associates.